To Interfere

2018 To Interfere is the registration of a performance that has taken place in secrecy, at nighttime, in the cellar underneath a building. A computer is hooked up to a projector, a microphone is linked to an amplifier and the artist presents video recordings of encounters on a hitch-hiking trip through Europe. This performance is…

Our Nature

2017 ‘Our Nature’ (performance); live piano improvisation played by the artist, accompanied by a silent video that has been shot in at, amongst others, the surrogate Lion of Piraeus; the restored pillars of the Acropolis; a deserted holiday resort called Sunny Beach; an imitation museum of authentic peasant architecture in Romania.

Two Minutes of Silence

2016 Two Minutes of Silence (2:00 minutes) The yearly silence at the 5th of may in the Netherlands has an interesting history. Still, there is controversy about what or whom should be commemorated. A similar controversy can be observed at the former ground of Camp Plaszov.